Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"Day's End"   copyright Judy Westergard

 “How can you be so calm?” asked more than one person after I answered their questions about my recent visit to my ophthalmologist where, along with my annual vision check-up, I casually mentioned that all the symptoms I’d experienced before my Great Brain Zap (aka gamma knife surgery) had returned. 

I’ve been thinking about that. Am I calm? Or am I just in denial? Frankly, I simply don’t get my undies in a bunch until something that makes undie-bunching worthwhile shows up.

I'll see my neuro-ophthalmologist in a month. Part of my calm is that no one deemed it necessary to schedule my appointment sooner. That, and writing these blogs about being a WWABT keep me bunched-undies-free. (WWABT: pronounced “wabbit;” stands for Woman With A Brain Tumor.) 

Is TLB (aka The Little Bastard) alive after all? Is this (merely?) nerve damage? I’ll find out next month. In the meantime, I have priorities to take care of: sipping a merlot in the late afternoon sun during this most beautiful Minneapolis spring. planting chard, mescaline, and rosemary; finishing paintings in preparation for Art-A-Whirl (more about that later); and -- most important -- visiting the newly hatched owls at Silverwood Park with my husband. Yup...even with wonky vision and tippy balance, life is good.

1 comment:

Kris said...

"I simply don’t get my undies in a bunch until something that makes undie-bunching worthwhile shows up."

Great advice! I've wasted so much time undie-bunching. Just breathing is a curious miracle that I often don't even notice.

BTW... really like your painting. Very mysterious feeling.