Saturday, March 15, 2014


March, 2014
..."progress" being the key word here. I started this one in January. I don't have a clue as to why it's been sitting on my easel for three months. It must be that warmer temps, sun, and a finally-melting snow pack have energized me. 
January, 2014

I read a long time ago something about how the best thing an artist can do prior to squeezing out  paint is to ask herself, "What is it about (fill in the blank) that I love?" Obviously, it's color! After our all-too-long winter, it's lots of color! When I started this painting, the answer was the shape of the cabbage plant. But now it's the bright warm pinks.

This one hasn't reached the finished line yet but I like where it's headed. With any luck, it'll be dry and glazed in time for Minneapolis' Art-A-Whirl in May.

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