Thursday, December 12, 2013


"Innocence" multi-media
After much experimentation, I found that Pan Pastels work best (at least for me) as an underlayment. They allowed me to play with the light and shadow I found so intriguing in the  photograph from which I worked. I did the first three or four layers of this piece in Pan Pastels. I used Strathmore's Multi-Media Board, which is probably why I couldn't get the saturation of color I was after. (I love that board, but Pan Pastels in my hands need something with more tooth.) However, the Strathmore board did allow me to add layers of watercolor, ink, and acrylic. All in all, I'm not displeased with the end result. It's a gift for the fellow who let me experiment with his daughter's photograph. Thank you, AJP!

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