Saturday, April 20, 2013


Andromeda Waits (detail)
Water Color, Ink, and Acrylic
It's been a while since I've posted anything. For that matter, it's been a while since I've picked up a paint brush. Ennui? The endless weather we Minnesotans are enduring? My historically proven tendency to fade out on what I was certain would become a life-long passion? The votes aren't in yet. In the meantime, I've been luxuriating in memories of my childhood and teen years, the result of having volunteered to do the memory book for my high school class's 50th reunion.

I've spent hours studying photos in our yearbook, looking for the match between those young faces and the photos of the near-70-year olds classmates are sending me. (It's always there in the eyes.) I'm having a great time reading their graduation ambitions and comparing them with the people they've become. I suppose if a demographer were to study Edison High School's class of '63, she'd find nothing surprising. There'd be the same proportion of marriages and divorces, deaths and illnesses, professionals and skilled trades people that one would find in the general population. But gosh, those are just numbers. The bio's they've sent say so much about who they've become, and I find I want to learn more. I'm looking forward to seeing these "kids" in June.

If you've read thus far, you're probably wondering what connection there is between the painting and this blog entry. The answer is none. I finally finished this one a couple of hours ago. I'm posting it so that I can convince myself that yes, I still have an interest in wetting a brush.

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